Plantas de ferro fundido: informações sobre como cultivar uma planta de

A planta de ferro fundido ( Aspidistra elatior), também chamada planta de ferro e planta de casa, é uma planta de casa extremamente resistente e uma planta perene preferida em algumas regiões.O cultivo de plantas de ferro fundido é particularmente popular entre aqueles que não têm muito tempo para se dedicar ao cuidado das plantas, pois esta …

Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) gondozása, ápolása

A kukoricalevél gondozásához néhány hasznos tipp segíthet. Fontos a levelek rendszeres ápolása és tisztítása. Távolítsd el a port és a szennyeződéseket puha ronggyal vagy nedves kendővel, hogy megőrizd a levelek fényességét. Helyes metszési módszerek alkalmazása is elősegítheti a kukoricalevél egészséges növekedését.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior): All You Need To Know

Aspidistra elatior, commonly known as the Cast Iron Plant for its robust nature, is a perennial favorite among gardeners and indoor plant enthusiasts alike. Its reputation for thriving in conditions where other plants might falter makes it a fascinating specimen. …

How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant Care. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Keep in indirect sunlight, indoors or outdoors. Use any kind of soil, as long as it's well-draining. Keep the plant in temperatures between …

Les meilleures plantes adaptées aux débutants pour t'aider à …

Plante fontaine de fer (Aspidistra elatior) Retour en haut de la page. Prendre soin d'une plante en fonte est facile ! Veille à ce qu'elle ait suffisamment de lumière et d'humidité, donne-lui régulièrement de l'eau et brumise-la de temps en temps. Ainsi, ta plante pourra vivre jusqu'à 50 ans et être saine et forte !

Pana Cocoșului (Aspidistra elatior): Ghid de îngrijire

Aspidistra elatior: Familia: Asparagaceae: Lumină: Umbră sau umbră parțială: Fertilizare: Îngrășământ echilibrat pentru plante de apartament: Nevoia de apă: Menține solul constant umed: Tipul de sol: Bine drenat: pH-ul solului: Ușor acid 5.5 până la 6.5: Perioada de înflorire: Primăvara: Zone de rezistență: 7 până la 11 ...

Aspidistra: Cuidados, Propiedades Y Cultivo

Cuidados de la aspidistra. Humedad. Las aspidistras no son muy exigentes en cuanto al riego. De hecho, podrías salir de vacaciones y a tu regreso estarán tan verdes como siempre. No obstante, es algo que no te recomendamos repetir varias veces durante el año. Deberás regarla a razón de una vez por semana, considerando que el riego deberá ...

Cast Iron Plant Care: How To Grow Aspidistra Elatior [GUIDE]

Aspidistra Elatior Quick Care Tips. Botanical Name: Aspidistra Elatior Common Name(s): Cast Iron Plant, Bar Room Plant, Common Aspidistra, Barroom plant, Iron plant Synonyms: None Pronunciation: ass-pi-DIS-truh ee-LAY-tee-or Family & Origin: Asparagaceae family, native to Japan and Taiwan Growability: Easy to grow Grow Zone: …

Aspidistra elatior

Noteworthy Characteristics. Aspidistra elatior, commonly called cast iron plant for its ability to survive significant cultural abuse, is native to China and Japan.It is an easily-maintained, stemless, evergreen foliage plant that typically grows to 3' tall. Arching, lanceolate, glossy dark green leaves (to 24" long and 4" wide) rise up directly from its fleshy rootstock on …

How to take care of a Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra …

In this plant care guide, you'll find everything you need to know to take care of the Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior). Learn how to water, fertilize, propagate and repot your plant. Keep it healthy with tips …

How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plants (Aspidistra elatior)

Aspidistra elatior: Common names: Cast-iron plant, bar-room plant, haran or baran: Family: Liliaceae: Plant Type: Houseplant: Height and Width: 1-2 feet; 2-3 wide: Origin: Asia: Flower colors: N/A: Foliage color: Variegated brown and green: Sun Exposure: Full to partial shade (no direct sun) Soil Type & pH: Can tolerate a range of very rich to ...

Aspidistra, o planta rezistenta si atragatoare

Aspidistra are un frunzis bogat, atractiv. Adesea, Aspidistra este intalnita pe terase, scari, pe langa casa, in locurile umbroase. Una dintre cele mai populare specii este Aspidistra elatior, denumita "planta de fier" ca urmare a rezistentei sale in conditii aspre de clima si pentru rolul sau de purificare a aerului din spatiile interioare ...

Our COMPLETE Guide for Cast Iron Plants (Aspidistra)

This will reduce moisture loss in the overall plant, so it can focus on rerooting & growing. Remove the plant from the soil and prune any rotten roots (healthy roots are cream coloured & plump). 3. Place the plant around a quarter deep into a fresh batch of 'Houseplant' potting mix, using a 7cm plastic pot.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior): Care and …

Getting known as nearly an indestructible plant, Cast Iron Plant decorates everywhere regardless of interior or outdoor places. In addition to its reputation on being a durable plant, it has a few local …

Aspidistra elatior | BBC Gardeners World Magazine

Aspidistra elatior is also known as the cast iron plant – an apt description as it really does have a cast-iron constitution. It was a popular houseplant in Victorian times as it could withstand fumes from coal fires and gas lamps and can cope with gloomy conditions. Aspidistra elatior can tolerate a fair degree of neglect and is very low ...

aspidistra elatior

Palmier cordonnier - aspidistra elatior - plante d'intérieur - pot 15cm. Réf. : 4086c7a0. Description détaillée. Exclu web. 34,77 €. dont 0.00€ d'éco-part. + frais de port estimés : 10,90 €. Livraison En stock Livré à partir du 25/06.

aspidistra elatior 70cm

Caractéristiques principales. L'Aspidistra Elatior est une plante d'intérieur élégante qui ajoutera une touche de verdure à votre espace de vie. Avec un diamètre de 17.0 cm et une hauteur de 70.0 cm, cette plante est de taille moyenne, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour les petits espaces.Cette plante est connue pour sa robustesse et sa ...

Aspidistra: culture et entretien de cette plante en pot

Aspidistra elatior. Il est également appelé par le nom d'Aspidistra lurida. Les feuilles mesurent jusqu'à 70 cm de long et proviennent des pétioles qui partent du sol, sans tige. Les fleurs sont violettes. Il est apprécié pour être une plante touffue, capable de remplir tous les coins de la maison de verdure. Aspidistra elatior variegata

How to Grow & Care for Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

Combine equal parts of loam, peat moss, and sand to achieve a soil mix with good drainage, and enrich the soil with compost for added nutrients. These plants prefer organically rich soil, which helps enhance the foliage's color and maximizes the plant's overall health. 3. Transplanting or Planting.

Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior). Origen, Descripción, …

Aspidistra elatior, la planta de hierro fundido o planta de sala de bar, también conocida en japonés como haran o baran, es una especie de planta con flores en la familia Asparagaceae, nativa de Japón y Taiwán. Tolerante a la negligencia, se cultiva ampliamente como planta de interior, pero también se puede cultivar al aire libre a la …

Aspidistra, pana cocosului

Aspidistra Elatior sau Pana cocosului este o planta de interior care face parte din familia Liliaceae si este originara din China si Japonia. Aspidistra este o planta decorativa foarte des intalnita, care are aspect de tufa. …

Aspidistra Elatior

Product Details. Aspidistra Elatior Cast Iron Plant. Aspidistra elatior belongs to the lily family and is native to China and Japan. A very popular house plant but can be planted outside in a shady sheltered area of the garden. The large paddle shaped leaves are often a dark shade of green. It is slow growing which makes it an ideal house plant ...

Aspidistra elatior

Afidele „Paduchi de plante" (paduchi de frunze). "Intotdeauna cititi si utilizati produsul (pesticidul) conform recomandarilor de pe eticheta" Specii si varietati: Aspidistra elatior – frunze lanceolate, lungi de 30-50 cm lungime lucioase de culoare verde inchis. Infloresre rar, flori mici, violete situate la baza frunzelor;

Aspidistra elatior | Plante des concièrges | La Bouichère

Tarif 7€ le godet. Son nom commun lui vient du fait qu'autrefois, elle était la seule plante à supporter l'ombre qui règnait dans ces arrière boutiques sombres. Hauteur 90 cm, ombre, mi-ombre. Rustique à - 4°. Plante des concierges, Cast iron plant.Aspidistra elatior Blume Synonymes : Aspidistra elatior var. elatiorAspidistra punctata var. albomaculata …

Aspidistra élevé, Aspidistra elatior : planter, cultiver, …

Aspidistra elatior, l'aspidistra élevé, est une plante vivace appartenant à la famille des Liliacées. Elle est originaire du Japon, présente en nombre sur le sol forestier de l'ile d'Oshima. L' espèce est largement cultivée aussi en Chine depuis longtemps et s'y est naturalisée. L'aspidistra est apparu comme plante d ...

FERRO COLAT Aspidistra elatior I SÒL millor tipus de sòl …

Ferro colat requisits de reg - Quanta aigua es necessita? Aspidistra elatior prefereix sota (5% - 24%) humitat. reg Ferro colat: Àrea del terreny estigui ben sec abans de tornar a regar. Lloc ferro colat - aspidistra elatior en mitjà de zones amb llum amb normal (18 ° dia c, 24 ° c dia) temperatura, utilitzar plantes de fullatge el tipus de sòl.

Compreu i cuideu Aspidistra Elatior

Comprar i cuidar Aspidistra Elatior. Comanda plantes d'interior o esqueixos durant tot l'any Enviament gratuït a partir de 94.95 €


Aspidistra elatior este singura subspecie care este utilizata ca planta de interior. Frumusetea sa sta in frunzele sale de culoare verde inchis si stralucitoare. Aspidistra este un gen de plante care fac parte din familia Asparagaceae si care pot atinge o inaltime maxima de 70 de centimetri. Aspidistra provine initial din padurile din …

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior): All You Need To Know

The Cast Iron Plant stands out for its lush, dark green foliage that adds a touch of elegance and simplicity to any setting. Its leaves are long, broad, and glossy, growing straight out of the soil in a clumping fashion. Native: Aspidistra elatior hails from the understory of forests in Taiwan and Japan, where it's adapted to grow in low ...

Cast Iron Plant Care: How To Grow Aspidistra Elatior [GUIDE]

The perennial Cast Iron Plant is a sturdy, low-growing plant native to the deep forests of Asian countries of Japan and Taiwan. It is part of the Asparagaceae family. About 100 …

Conseils d'entretien des plantes d'intérieur tropicales pour …

Plante fontaine de fer (Aspidistra elatior) Retour en haut de la page. Prendre soin d'une plante en fonte est facile ! Veille à ce qu'elle ait suffisamment de lumière et d'humidité, donne-lui régulièrement de l'eau et brumise-la de temps en temps. Ainsi, ta plante pourra vivre jusqu'à 50 ans et être saine et forte !

Aspidistra Elatior (Cast Iron Plant) Guide | Our House Plants

A large Aspidistra vietnamensis Milky Way indoor plant like this could be $100 / £80 or more. Then you have the Aspidistras with stripes such as A. elatior Okame that have bold white markings. Whereas A. elatior variegata makes itself heard with its creamy white leaves, sometimes tinged with yellow or lime green.. Whether green or variegated, all …

Aspidistra : culture, entretien, espèces

Aspidistra eliator: feuillage vert luisant et dense, port régulier. C'est l'espèce la plus rustique, supporte jusqu'à -15°C. ; Aspidistra eliator 'Variegata' : feuillage strié de crème, très lumineux ; Aspidistra elatior 'Spek-tacular' : feuillage vert vif, moucheté ; Aspidistra linearifolia : feuillage étroit ;

The ultimate guide to taking care of a Cast Iron …

In this plant care guide, you'll find everything you need to know to take care of the Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior). Learn how to water, fertilize, propagate and repot your plant. Keep it healthy with tips on dealing with …

How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plant, …

first layer should be a drainage layer made of clay fragments of rough gravel. drainage should ensure a good water drain to avoid waterlogging. afterwards, fill the pot with soil up to about a third. take the plant from the …

Aspidistra Elatior Care and Growing Guide | Plantcarefully

We'll reveal all the secrets to ideal Aspidistra Elatior care, including ideal environmental conditions, eye-catching cultivars, and the best way to propagate.

How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior 'Akebono' is a cast iron plant with evergreen 30-inch-long leaves with yellow streaking down the center. It flowers in late winter with small purple flowers that form at the base of the plant. It thrives in the humidity of southern states and works well as a houseplant in northern states.


Da aspidistra helst skal stå alene, må man ved valget lægge vægt på de enkelte blades elegante buer og plantens helhedsvirkning. Undgå planter med revnede blade, eller med blade som er studset tilbage af gartneren. Blege eller plettede blade kan være inficere t med rødt spind (mider). Billedet øverst: En stor Aspidistra elatior.

Aspidistra Elatior pleje: dyrkning af Støbejernsplanten …

Aspidistra elatior har majslignende, skinnende, mørkegrønne blade med knive, der vokser til 24″ inches lange. Lejlighedsvis producerer Apsidistra lilla-brune små blomster nær bunden af planten. Det har også en varieret form som billedet nedenfor. De hvide markeringer hjælper med at lyse op i et mørkt hjørne, ligesom solen filtrerer ...

Cast Iron Plant Guide: Grow and Care for an …

The cast iron plant, or Aspidistra Elatior, is a true warrior in the realm of indoor plants. Its signature iron leaves are not just a namesake, but a symbol of its ability to withstand neglect.